Monday 13 February 2012

Where have you gone Rachel?

Well some of you may have noticed that after the announcement of the Oscar nominations my blog has been rather quiet, well one of the reasons for this is because I was so disappointed with the films nominated. Now I know it's all about who's in and who's out and really the politics of Hollywood plays a huge part in who gets nominated but I really felt quite disillusioned with this years nominations. Every December, in preparation for the Oscars, I compile a list of films I think might get nominated and films/I want to get nominated hence me reviewing a few films that were not nominated before the announcement. Anyway this year I was really excited by my list, here are a handful of the films I was really looking forward to seeing/reviewing:
J. Edgar 
We Need to Talk about Kevin 
A Dangerous Method 
Young Adult
The Whistleblower 
The Interrupters
Martha Marcy May Marlene 
Take Shelter
Natural Selection
Bobby Fischer against the world
Instead I have to watch emotional rubbish such as The Descendants and The Help. Does anyone else remember poor David Lynch's campaign to get Laura Dern nominated for Inland Empire (Cow Campaign) or the horror show of Melissa Leo's personal campaign from last year (really what was she thinking?) but even with the Academy's new rules on promoting films to "protecting the integrity of the Academy" has not helped this game of favourites. Anyway I will persevere and tomorrow I will attempt to write about War Horse but next year I am really considering a change to a BAFTA blog.
Rachel out.

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