Thursday 31 January 2013

West of Memphis (Dir - Amy J. Berg. 2012)

Summary: An examination of a failure of justice in the case against the West Memphis Three.

As many people may know I will watch a documentary about anything which, to be honest is not always a good thing. The problem with my enthusiasm for documentaries is that I don’t always check what a documentary is about before watching them and this was the case with West of Memphis. For some reason when I sat down to watch West of Memphis I thought it was going to be a music documentary so was a little miffed when it came apparent it was yet another documentary about the Memphis 3. I mean don’t get me wrong the wrongful conviction and  freedom of the Memphis 3 is a very worthy topic but hasn’t this subject matter been covered enough in the 3 Paradise Lost films and the hundreds of TV interviews? Even Damien Echols (one of the Memphis 3) says during the course of the film that there are many cases like his in America and he finds it strange that so much media focus has been given to the Memphis 3  and I can’t help but agree with Echols.

West of Memphis is not a bad documentary and is very different from the Paradise Lost trilogy. Where as the Paradise Lost series was filmed as the time events happened (1st – The Memphis 3’s initial conviction, 2nd – their appeal and 3rd – their freedom), West of Memphis has the benefit of reflection, gives a distanced perspective and has a well-rounded narrative. The problem I have with West of Memphis is that it does sometimes come across as a vehicle for all of the Memphis 3’s famous supporters (Eddie Vedder, Henry Rollins, Peter Jackson and Johnny Depp to name a few) to appear on film to tell the world about their support and how nice they were to give money/raise money for the cause and how they always believed the 3 were innocent.

West of Memphis did include things I did appreciate such as the opinions of different medical examiners, the debunking of the cult killing theory and the private investigation into Terry Hobbs. I felt that the film effectively highlighted that the real offenders of the Robin Hood Hills murders will never be brought to justice.

Overall: If you have never heard or the Memphis 3 this is all you need to know but if you have watched all the Paradise Lost Trilogy, West of Memphis isn't really bringing anything new to the table. 6/10

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