Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Master (Dir - Paul Thomas Anderson. 2012)

Summary: A Naval veteran arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future until he is tantalized by The Cause and its charismatic leader. 

I really try not to read reviews until I’ve seen a film myself, I mean yeah if I stumble upon Mark Kermode reviewing something on TV I can’t help but watching it but I don’t actively hunt reviews out until after I‘ve seen them. I hadn’t seen/read any reviews for The Master other than a short plot summary which to be honest didn’t give me high hopes, I mean how could anything top There Will Be Blood and why would I enjoy a film exploring the relationship between an Alcoholic and a Cult Leader. I also had the suspicion that I would love Joaquin Phoenix’s character and hate Philip Seymore Hoffman’s role and generally just couldn’t see this working. Well I can honestly say after watching The Master that all my presumptions were wrong and this is a powerhouse of a film.
From the off I hated Phoenix’s character Freddie, everything about Fred is off and unnerving, his actions seem slimy, aggressive and sickly, his posture is wiry and hunched like some evil is eating him from the inside out. Freddie has all the nasty dislikeable qualities of a Bukowski character but with non of the charm and Phoenix is so convincing, committed and awesome in the role I couldn’t help but smile and continue to do so pretty much throughout the whole film.
The story is about being trapped, one by circumstance (the psychological after effects of war) and one by his own creation (by being the leader of a cult he has founded).  I honestly cannot stop thinking about this film, I watched it over 4 weeks ago now and I really cannot articulate how good it is. Not all the best films are based on likable characters and sometimes what makes a film great is that you hate the main characters with passion.

Overall: I want to take you on a slow boat to China. 10/10

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