Tuesday 20 November 2012

So it's been a while.....

So my Film Awards Season blog re-opens for business and is undergoing a few changes this year. Firstly I will no longer be focused on the Oscars and instead looking more towards the BAFTAs, the reason for this is that based on the past few years the BAFTAs have included what I honestly believe to be a better, well rounded selection of films in their nominations, BAFTA include more 1st time directors, more independent films, have British film awards and in my opinion, buy less into the Hollywood studio marketing campaigns.

Secondly I have changed my film scoring system to being out of 10, the reason for this is that I think the score out of 5 system didn’t effectively reflect what was a good film and what was a great film. Take for example The Idles of March that I gave 4/5 to last year; while comes across as a strong score it could also be interpreted as an amazing score. The fact is that if I had reviewed The Idles of March with the out of 10 system I probably would have only given it a 7/10, it was good don’t get me wrong, but it just wasn’t unique, touching or special enough to justify a higher score.

Thirdly I am going to try, I mean really try this year to cover more films then in my previous 2 years, which is why I’m starting to review films in November instead of after Christmas.

Lastly if you disagree with anything, agree with anything or just want to nag me to review something I haven’t got round to yet, leave a comment. I know my opinions are not the be all and end all of reviews and I would love to hear what you think. Who knows maybe I’ve missed something or interpreted a moment in a different way, if you think this is the case let me know.

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