Argo is a 2012 American thriller film, based loosely on an account
published in 2007 of the "Canadian Caper", in which Tony
Mendez, a CIA operative, led the rescue of six U.S. diplomats from
Tehran, Iran during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis.
Dear Ben Affleck,
Having just seen Argo I felt I had to write you
this letter to apologise for the horrible comments I have made
regarding your past work. In the past I may have referred to you as a
hack, described your acting skills as wooden and your emotional range
as goldfish-like. I have also, in the past at every opportunity,
compared your inadequate acting skills to the greatly underrated &
vast talent your brother Casey has consistently demonstrated
throughout his career. Dear Ben Affleck I am sorry and I promise this
bad mouthing of you will not continue.
I have to admit the turning point in my opinion of
you was your directorial début Gone Baby Gone, it was brilliant. It
was such a beautiful film noir I think I told everyone I know to
watch it. The came The Town which, to be honest was not as good as
Gone Baby Gone but it did show stylistic versatility. The Town was
good and I think the most interesting element about it was seeing
just how much your acting had changed for the positive with you self
So lets gets finally talk about Argo, it is
excellent, I really cannot remember the last time a film had me on
the edge of my seat so much. The casting was inspired, the comic
relief of John Goodman and Alan Arkin, the doubt and tension created
by Scoot McNairy and there was you with all your brooding quiet
intelligence. The tone this political thriller was fantastic and I
really believed I was in the early 80s. I had been worried going into
the cinema that it would be too dramatic, over the top and fast paced
but Argo slowly builds, drawing you into the character developments
and the subtle suspense.
Overall: I think I've done enough ass kissing and
Argo is a masterpiece 10/10
Yours Sincerely,
Rachel Durance