Monday 9 January 2012

The Iron Lady (2011) Dir: Phyllida Lloyd

Summary: A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power.

I did not want to see this, I especially did not want to pay money to see this and it was by far the bottom of my Oscars list but it's Meryl and Meryl Streep and the Oscar go together like marmalade and toast so there was no avoiding it. Balls.
It is scary how the Streep has completely been transformed into Thatcher Thatcher the milk snatcher, I can honestly say I got goose-pimples when she appeared on screen, even creepier was when Olivia Colman turned up as Carol Thatcher, the only thing that gave her away was her voice. The story is well crafted half love note to Denis Thatcher (played by the ever charming Jim Broadbent), half story of Thatcher's humble beginnings to pigheaded bully. Streep plays it all brilliantly and there is no faulting her, the script keeps you engaged and it is beautifully shot but there is no way to view this unbiased and therefore watching it is uncomfortable. You know the political events that are coming and you know the social unrest, you know the wrong decisions she made and the landscape of the country by the end of her 11 year reign, yet the film is very much as story about Thatcher's personal loss. The script focuses on Thatcher's loss of Denis due to his death, the loss of her children’s childhood due to her political ambition and the loss of her power.
The film very much reminded me of W. by Oliver Stone, you don't want to watch it, you don't like the character in it but it's still really interesting viewing and very well done.

Overall: With so many notable performances it is hard to hate this, definitely deserves a nomination for best make up at the very least. 4 out of 5.


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