Sunday 2 December 2012

Anna Karenina (Dir - Joe Wright. 2012)

Summary: Set in late-19th-century Russia high-society, the aristocrat Anna Karenina enters into a life-changing affair with the affluent Count Vronsky.

This film is beautiful, the set is mostly based on a theatre building, with different parts of the theatre becoming differently locations, it is very clever, I just wish the performances had been as good as the set design. Anyway lets start with the good; I quite enjoyed Jude Law’s performance and it was nice to finally see him play a part where he didn’t have to hide his receding hairline. Aaron Taylor-Johnson was convincing as the womanising Vronsky and I really felt his role mature by the end of the film. Overall I enjoyed the supporting cast (Matthew Macfadyen, Kelly Macdonald & Domhnall Gleeson) but what spoiled it all was Keira Knightley. Now I don’t normally mind Knightley, I usually quiet like her in period dramas as I think she has an innocence and vulnerability that works well but the role of Anna Karenina was meant to convey love, passion, conflict and madness but all I got was a wet blanket. Thinking back to this, I think I would have preferred it with a different leading lady, maybe Emily Blunt would have been a good choice following her performance in The Young Victoria. I don’t know, Anna Karenina seemed full of promises which it failed to deliver.

Overall: It was stunning but it needed a better leading lady 5/10

Paranorman (Dir - Chris Butler & Sam Fell. 2012)

Summary: A misunderstood boy takes on ghosts, zombies and grown-ups to save his town from a centuries-old curse.

I was disappointed with Paranorman; the animation was brilliant, the idea was interesting and I thought it had everything that would made a good kids film that adults would enjoy as well but I was wrong.
Firstly the plot was a little weak and the script lulled in parts. Secondly it just seemed to long, it either needed the story to be padded out more or needed a secondary sub-plot to up the pacing (yes I know this is pretty much the same as my first point but this issue really has to be highlighted). Lastly I felt there were too many references to classic horror films to make it accessible to children, yes the adults in the audiences will appreciate them but the kids will miss the joke and feel left out.

Overall: Disappointing but very pretty 6/10

Magic Mike (Dir - Steven Soberbergh. 2012)

Summary: A male stripper teaches a younger performer how to party, pick up women, and make easy money. 

How did this get any good reviews? I guessed the whole plot within 10 minutes and does anyone really find Matthew McConaughey attractive? It has non of the charm of The Full Monty or Coyote Ugly and all of the horrible in your face-ness of Striptease or Showgirls. Soberbergh has not done a good film since Traffic and even though I was ill while watching this it was still a massive waste of time.

Overall: Please don’t watch this. Predictable and bad throughout, Channing Tatum and Joe Manganiello's abs are honestly not worth the effort 2/10